Congratulations to our Graduates!
The community of BSC is enormously proud of our Year 12 students, and the results they have achieved this year in their VCAL , scored VCE and non-scored VCE studies.
These students have been committed to their studies and made the most of their classes, resources and the expert guidance of their educators. Parents, carers, extended families and friends of the Year 12 students have also played a vital role in supporting them through their final year at Brunswick Secondary College.
Of BSC students who received scored VCE results
- 20% achieved an ATAR score above 90
- 35% achieved an ATAR score above 80
- 52% achieved an ATAR score above 70
More information regarding VCE student outcomes for 2022 will be included in the next issue of the Brunswick Star newsletter (December 20). We take this opportunity to acknowledge the exceptional achievements of the following VCE students who have achieved ATAR scores above 97 or a perfect Study Score.

ATAR Score: 99.25

ATAR Score: 99.2

ATAR Score – 98.75

ATAR Score: 97.5

Study Score – 50 (Biology)

Study Score – 50 (Outdoor & Environmental Studies)