Camps are a valuable component of student learning at the college.

These events provide exciting and positive experiences for our students, giving opportunity for them to develop independence, personal responsibility and resilience, as well as fostering teamwork and social skills.

Years 7 students benefit from a whole-cohort, 3 day camp in the first semester of the school year. This camp is designed to promote the smooth transition to secondary school and to support student engagement and wellbeing.

In the Middle School years (Years 9 & 10), students can choose to participate on a biannual Language Tour. In addition, the college’s Outdoor Education curriculum also offers significant opportunities for students in the Middle and Senior School years.

Through camps and outdoor education, students develop a sense of self, learn how to be resilient and self-reliant, as well as learn the skills that are vital to living and working with others. Spending time in the natural environment, they learn and grow in a less formal setting than a classroom.